P2H3 Hash Trash Blog

The Muscle Wine Drinking Club With a Slimy Dyke Problem

Write a Report

Hash Trash Needs You Uncle Sam Needs You


If you feel you can do a better job than us (and that’s not difficult), get on and write a run or walk report for this blog. It doesn’t need to be too long (or funny for that matter!), just include lots of peoples names: everyone wants to see their name in print – even if it is just on the Hash Trash! Go to Hash Stats if you need the names of the Hares etc.

The best entry each month will receive the coveted prize of half a fish (maybe)

Just email your entry to hashtrash@bongthom.com and the Hash Trash Editorial Team will correct your spelling mistakes (i.e. censor anything bad written about us) and get your words online

7 Responses to “Write a Report”

  1. Phlegm said

    Hi Jordyan,

    I just informed the Hashers by email. But only the hashers on the list “thehash”. I think that most of them are now outside of Cambodia. So, when Flaccido Domingo informed “thehash” last Saturday about the sun protection, it was funny because we read it the day after his 14Km H. A good one anyway !

    On ! On !


  2. Blah Blah said

    How big is this fish?

  3. Tokyo Joe said

    Is this fish single? Is it in any way related to Herring Choker?

  4. Facido Domingo said

    What is uncle sam doing in our blog? I wanted to write a report of last sunday run but uncle won’t let me do it. Whoever put it should remove it immediately.

  5. Mr. Tinkle said

    Write a report on your own run? No need, Flaciddo. I have penned an independent, unbiased, non-partisan report and sent it to the editorial team, who will, I’m sure, find time to put it on the website shortly.

  6. STD said

    The second edition of the Phnom Penh Bike Hash will take place this Saturday, 02 April 2011.
    Meeting point: Naga Ferry Terminal.
    Time: 1430 departure.
    Cost: $12 per-registered, $15 if you turn up unannounced.
    What’s included: Trail, Truck, beer, water and soft drinks, dinner at a local restaurant afterwards.
    Bring a mountain bike – or hire from Offroad Cycling, 18 Street 360 (300m west of Monivong). Tel.: 012 555123. $4 for he half day (special deal).

  7. Little Boy said

    Does anyone read this anymore?

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